Contact Us

If this is a crisis, please contact  Life Crisis Center at 314.647.HELP, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Find a Counselor
If you would like to be matched with a therapist and need help finding the right one, please fill out our New Client Interest Form, and our New Client Coordinator will reach out to you shortly! If you prefer a telephone conversation, please call 314.887.7706 and leave a message for our New Client Coordinator, including a call-back number and your preferred time to be contacted

Billing Questions
If you have a question regarding your account, please visit our Client Billing Page. If you still have questions, you can contact our Billing Department at You can also call and leave a message with our Billing Department at 314.469.5522 ext. 6. Please note: we will only be able to respond to phone numbers or email addresses that are on file for the account in question.

Other Questions?
If you have other general questions about CrossRoads Counseling Centers, you can contact our Office Administrator at Please note: if you need to contact your therapist, you can find a list of their email addresses on our Staff Page. This will get your message to them much quicker than going through our general Office number.


Office Number:
(314) 469-5522

Fax Number:
(314) 469-5504

New Client Coordinator:
(314) 887-7706

General Questions